Thursday, January 27, 2011

Paul Ryan State Of The Union Response: Speech Addresses Spending, Health Care & More.

Paul Ryan State Of The Union Response: Speech Addresses Spending, Health Care & More.
       Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) stepped up to the plate on Tuesday night to deliver the official        blican response to President Barack Obama's' State of the Union speechRyan will be the point man in the new House GOP majority's drive to rein in spending and bring the budget closer to balance. Tuesday's speech was the highest profile assignment yet for a wonky former congressional staff aide who has evolved into one of his party's brightest stars.

Ryan is best known for a controversial budget plan brimming with politically unpopular ideas like gradually turning Medicare into a voucher program, curbing Social Security benefits and allowing younger workers to divert Social Security taxes into private accounts. He says such tough steps are needed, given intractable budget deficits that threaten America's prosperity.
Greece maybe fits that description. But if you’d read anything about the euro crisis — like this article — you’d know that Ireland was running a budget surplus on the eve of the crisis, and had quite low debt. Its problems now have nothing to do with fiscal irresponsibility in the past; they’re the consequence of weak financial regulation and the government’s too-generous bank bailout.
Paul Ryan Response was right to do so, and some of his words were convincing. As the Chairman of Parliament’s budget, Paul Ryan Response can assure you that we do with the president to restrict federal spending. In one of our first acts of the new majority, House Republicans voted to reduce the budget’s own Congress. And today the House voted to restore spending discipline that Washington badly needs. The reason is simple. A few years ago, spending reduction was significant. Today, it is imperative. Here’s why: We are facing a crushing debt burden. The debt will soon eclipse our whole economy and reach catastrophic levels in the years to come. On this current path, when my three children – who are now 6, 7 and 8 years – are raising their own children, the federal government will double in size and will be the taxes they pay. No economy can sustain such levels of debt and taxes. The next generation will inherit a sluggish economy and a country decreases.
I missed this and Michele Bachmann's response, as I was talking to members outside the House floor, but I'll post them both.


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