Monday, December 27, 2010

Tattle: Hef robbed the playpen with latest Playmate-fiancee

TATTLE ISN'T one to criticize May-December romances, but January-December? When we consider that 84-year-old Hugh Hefner is engaged to marry 23-year-old Crystal Harris, it makes us realize that a possible Mrs. Tattle may not even be born yet.

OK, that's kind of weird.

 It's easy to say "Money," but there are plenty of men richer than Hef who haven't hit their midlife crisis yet and would happily wed a Playmate.
 Fame? Not only will the future Mrs. Hef get her photo in magazines constantly (some even with clothes on), she also gets her run of the Playboy Mansion, TV exposure and a "job" requiring her to make sure her teeth stay white, her boobs stay perky and she looks good in painted-on lingerie.

Any other jobs are between the happy couple.

 Love.Oh, don't be so judgmental. Crystal could have an old soul - or a bathrobe fetish.

Besides, actuarial tables indicate she is likely to have a chance to find "true love" again before she's 30.

There is, of course, the fourth possibility. Anyone bringing a shotgun to the wedding?

Anyway, the story is that Hef (or a reasonable facsimile) tweeted early yesterday that he'd given a ring to Crystal and she burst into tears.Usually she only bursts into tears when he plays peek-a-boo in his silk pajamas.
This would be the third marriage for the Playboy icon. He divorced Playmate Kimberly Conrad last year, although the pair separated many blondes ago.


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