Sunday, January 16, 2011

About Barbara Graham

Barbara Graham (June 26, 1923 – June 3, 1955) was an American criminal and convicted murderess. She was executed in the gas chamber on the same day as two convicted accomplices, Jack Santo and Emmett Perkins. Nicknamed "Bloody Babs" by the press, Graham was the third woman in California to die by gas.Barbara was always a daydreamer.  Her early literary efforts centered around her saving the world.  Thank goodness it didn't all fall on her shoulders.  She's a bit of a flake.

Born in the Texas Panhandle and unable to remain still, she has lived in places as diverse as Denver, New Orleans and East Tennessee. A former travel agent, mom, and ballet teacher, she  resides in Wyoming with her long suffering husband and two dogs.Next on the list was Baxter Shorter. Burbank detectives had no trouble finding Shorter. "A couple of L.A. cops took us to where Shorter lived," says Strickland. "An old apartment building downtown called the Lancaster Residential Apartments, and the L.A. boys said Shorter had a part-owner interest in the place. Shorter said he'd accompany us back to Burbank, along with his wife-neither of them had a choice, actually, and from the very start of the interview he said he knew nothing. He'd never heard of the Monahan house in Burbank. He couldn't even remember having been in Burbank for years. He said, 'Oh, this is gotta be my first time here in a long while.' He said he knew nothing about a gabfest with Willie Upshaw or anyone else concerning a house and an old lady, and he knew nothing about any Vegas connections. He said he didn't even know Upshaw-heard of him, yeah, but that was it. Shorter's wife kept butting in and saying, 'That's right-Bax has gone straight. He doesn't get in any jams . . .'


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