Sunday, January 9, 2011

After jump.... Ed Reed's brother missing ....

Police said that Reed took off running when officers were handcuffing him near the frigid Mississippi River. He was pursued for a short time before bounding into the river and swimming out approximately 15 feet, according to police. Police saw him go under water and resurface, but they have yet to see him again. Police and family members have been waiting to see if he returns to the banks. The water was estimated to be around 40 degrees.The chase started when officers stopped Reed for nearly running another vehicle off the road. According to deputies, the officers suspected that Reed was driving a stolen car.
This is why the country stay's in trouble all the time, when ever there is a Black and White issue, just like the comment you mention it's all about because they are Black. Get over it. grow up. just like someone mentioned you assume with out all the facts. Also, most all the camera's are in police car's now , because of people assumming stuff like you. I do agree about why wasn't the EMR called.
Someone jumps into the nearly-freezing water of a major river like the MS, disappears, and then someone takes the time to WRITE AND POST a story saying they're waiting for the guy to reappear?! Uh, that either happens in a few SECONDS, or everyone knows the outcome--get the dragging equipment. This is the kind of thing that's over before you can complete a phone call, and this writer wants us to believe he had time to sit down at his computer without knowing whether the man resurfaced (again) or not? That just doesn't add up.

I am sorry for you lose, but maybe your cousin, had problems your family did not know about, or he hide from you, and the situation or his life,just got out of his control.


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